Friday, February 27, 2009

The feelings I had is too strong.
I won't elaborate more on this.
Those who knows, diam diam aje la kay?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I'm SICK! I didn't attend school today. Woke up around nine in the morning and had a quick shower. Sister accompanied me to the Polyclinic today. Thank You Sister! We both went to Lot One as we were both craving for KFC! HAHHA. I bought my eyeliner and mascara. I'll do a proper update soon. My mind is not functioning that well due to the medicine which iI took just now. Radiah, da update! HAHAHHAHAA. Anyway, I miss you la Boyfriend'sBestfriend'sGirlfriend/Sister!

I had a wonderful Saturday with A. (:

Monday, February 2, 2009

I don't feel good about everything. I don't feel like going to work tomorrow.


Anyway, THANKS DEL for guiding me with my homework. HEHE. I need to talk to you tomorrow. SERIOUSLY! HAHAHA.

Ohh, I had loads of fun today with my dearest cousin, Aidah. Thanks!